Lista de precios:
127,76 €
Contenedor de basura 2 ruedas. 120 litros. Polietileno de alta densidad con protección UV. GRIS. Mango ancho de la tapa. Absorbe los impactos, resiste los productos químicos y el choque térmico. Pestillo trasero dim. 480 x 543 x 927h mm
Lista de precios:
127,76 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 120 liters. High-density polyethylene. YELLOW. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 480 x 543 x 927h mm
Lista de precios:
127,76 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 120 liters. High-density polyethylene. BLUE. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 480 x 543 x 927h mm
Lista de precios:
127,76 €
Contenitore in plastica verde 2 ruote. 120 litri. Polietilene alta densità con protezione antiUV. Larga impugnatura del coperchio. Assorbe urti, resiste ai prodotti chimici e agli sbalzi termici. Ruote in gomma. Fermo. dim. h927 x 480 x 543 mm
Lista de precios:
127,76 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 120 liters. High-density polyethylene. BROWN. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 480 x 543 x 927h mm
Lista de precios:
127,76 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 120 liters. High-density polyethylene. WHITE. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 480 x 543 x 927h mm
Lista de precios:
179,03 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 240 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREY. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 573 x 715 x 1062h mm
Lista de precios:
179,03 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 240 liters. High-density polyethylene. YELLOW. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 573 x 715 x 1062h mm
Lista de precios:
179,03 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 240 liters. High-density polyethylene. BLUE. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 573 x 715 x 1062h mm
Lista de precios:
179,03 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 240 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREEN. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 573 x 715 x 1062h mm
Lista de precios:
179,03 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 240 liters. High-density polyethylene. BROWN. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 573 x 715 x 1062h mm
Lista de precios:
179,03 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 240 liters. High-density polyethylene. WHITE. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 573 x 715 x 1062h mm
Lista de precios:
288,23 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 360 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREY. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 580 x 880 x 1098h mm
Lista de precios:
288,23 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 360 liters. High-density polyethylene. YELLOW. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 580 x 880 x 1098h mm
Lista de precios:
288,23 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 360 liters. High-density polyethylene. BLUE. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 580 x 880 x 1098h mm
Lista de precios:
288,23 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 360 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREEN. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 580 x 880 x 1098h mm
Lista de precios:
288,23 €
Waste container for outdoor. On wheels. 360 liters. High-density polyethylene. BROWN. Large handle of the lid. Shock resistant, high resistance to chemical substances and wide variations of temperature. dim. 580 x 880 x 1098h mm
Lista de precios:
731,66 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 660 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREY. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370x784x1215h mm
Lista de precios:
731,66 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 660 liters. High-density polyethylene. YELLOW. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370 x 784 x 1215h mm
Lista de precios:
731,66 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 660 liters. High-density polyethylene. BLUE. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370 x 784 x 1215h mm
Lista de precios:
731,66 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 660 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREEN. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370 x 784 x 1215h mm
Lista de precios:
731,66 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 660 liters. High-density polyethylene. BROWN. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370 x 784 x 1215h mm
Lista de precios:
776,00 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 660 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREY. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370x784x1215h mm
Lista de precios:
776,00 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 660 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREY. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370x784x1215h mm
Lista de precios:
776,00 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 660 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREY. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370x784x1215h mm
Lista de precios:
776,00 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 660 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREY. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370x784x1215h mm
Lista de precios:
776,00 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 660 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREY. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370x784x1215h mm
Lista de precios:
1.078,09 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 1100 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREY. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370 x 1118 x 1295h mm
Lista de precios:
1.078,09 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 1100 liters. High-density polyethylene. YELLOW. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370 x 1118 x 1295h mm
Lista de precios:
1.078,09 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 1100 liters. High-density polyethylene. BLUE. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370 x 1118 x 1295h mm
Lista de precios:
1.078,09 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 1100 liters. High-density polyethylene. GREEN. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370 x 1118 x 1295h mm
Lista de precios:
1.078,09 €
Waste container for outdoor. On 4 wheels. 1100 liters. High-density polyethylene. BROWN. UV, cold, heat and chemicals resistant. Smooth-running rubber wheels (2 with breaks). 3 easy-grip handles. dim. 1370 x 1118 x 1295h mm
Lista de precios:
69,29 €
Pedal only option for plastic containers 120 liter models: T766610-T766611-T766612-T766613-T766614-T766615
Lista de precios:
17,32 €
Sack holder for 120 liters waste containers code T766610 - T766611 - T766612 - T766613 - T766614 - T766615
Lista de precios:
15,71 €
Perfil reflectante derecho en PVC adhesivo para contenedores de residuos
Lista de precios:
15,71 €
Perfil reflectante izquierda en PVC adhesivo para contenedores de residuos
Lista de precios:
189,84 €
Contenedor mural de acero inoxidable satinado. Portabolsas elásticas. Fijación mural en 4 puntos. Gracias a la forma de media luna, no es voluminosa e ideal en áreas con espacio reducido. Capacidad 20 litros. dim. 395x195x388h mm